Features (7)


Category: JavaScript

Intl.RelativeTimeFormat helps libraries and frameworks format relative time in a localized fashion by providing internationalized messages for date and time fields, using a customary local word or phrase when available. For example, calling its format() method with -5 and 'day' would return the string '5 days ago'. Intl.RelativeTimeFormat is available behind a flag in Firefox 58.

JSON data
  "category": "JavaScript",
  "flag_name": null,
  "id": 4875177569550336,
  "milestone": 71,
  "name": "Intl.RelativeTimeFormat",
  "summary": "Intl.RelativeTimeFormat helps libraries and frameworks format relative time in a localized fashion by providing internationalized messages for date and time fields, using a customary local word or phrase when available. For example, calling its format() method with -5 and 'day' would return the string '5 days ago'.\r\n\r\nIntl.RelativeTimeFormat is available behind a flag in Firefox 58."
Remove prefixed WebKitAnimationEvent interface

Category: JavaScript

The prefixed WebKitAnimationEvent interface will be removed. It is a non-standard alias for the widely supported AnimationEvent interface (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AnimationEvent). For interoperability between browsers, web developers should use the standard AnimationEvent instead.

JSON data
  "category": "JavaScript",
  "flag_name": null,
  "id": 6027726842494976,
  "milestone": 71,
  "name": "Remove prefixed WebKitAnimationEvent interface",
  "summary": "The prefixed WebKitAnimationEvent interface will be removed. It is a non-standard alias for the widely supported AnimationEvent interface (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AnimationEvent). For interoperability between browsers, web developers should use the standard AnimationEvent instead.\r\n\r\n"
Remove prefixed WebKitTransitionEvent interface

Category: JavaScript

The prefixed WebKitTransitionEvent interface will be removed. It is a non-standard alias for the widely supported TransitionEvent interface (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TransitionEvent). For interoperability between browsers, web developers should use the standard TransitionEvent instead.

JSON data
  "category": "JavaScript",
  "flag_name": null,
  "id": 6579769156042752,
  "milestone": 71,
  "name": "Remove prefixed WebKitTransitionEvent interface",
  "summary": "The  prefixed WebKitTransitionEvent interface will be removed. It is a non-standard alias for the widely supported TransitionEvent interface (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TransitionEvent). For interoperability between browsers, web developers should use the standard TransitionEvent instead."

Category: JavaScript

`globalThis` enables a universal mechanism to access the global object even in strict functions or modules, regardless of the platform.

JSON data
  "category": "JavaScript",
  "flag_name": null,
  "id": 6571514765770752,
  "milestone": 71,
  "name": "globalThis",
  "summary": "`globalThis` enables a universal mechanism to access the global object even in strict functions or modules, regardless of the platform."
WebAssembly PostMessage

Category: JavaScript

Extends WebAssembly to support PostMessage of WebAssembly.Module objects to Web Workers. To clarify, this is scoped to just Web Workers (same process, different thread), and not extended to cross-process scenarios (such as cross-origin postMessage, or shared web workers).

JSON data
  "category": "JavaScript",
  "flag_name": null,
  "id": 6012085880225792,
  "milestone": 71,
  "name": "WebAssembly PostMessage",
  "summary": "Extends WebAssembly to support PostMessage of WebAssembly.Module objects to Web Workers. To clarify, this is scoped to just Web Workers (same process, different thread), and not extended to cross-process scenarios (such as cross-origin postMessage, or shared web workers).\r\n\r\n"
Rename Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts type "dayperiod" to "dayPeriod"

Category: JavaScript

This change corrects a non-compliant type in the formatToParts implementation.

JSON data
  "category": "JavaScript",
  "flag_name": null,
  "id": 5252265900244992,
  "milestone": 71,
  "name": "Rename Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts type \"dayperiod\" to \"dayPeriod\"",
  "summary": "This change corrects a non-compliant type in the formatToParts implementation."
TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream APIs

Category: JavaScript

Text encoding and decoding will support streams to enable you to easily convert streams of binary data to text and vice-versa. An example of its usefulness is with readable streams. With a non-stream Response object, response.Body.text() returns text. There is no equivalent for the ReadableStream returned by Response.Body, which can only return bytes. With the new API a streaming response body may be converted to text as so: Response.Body.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()).

JSON data
  "category": "JavaScript",
  "flag_name": null,
  "id": 4881011259211776,
  "milestone": 71,
  "name": "TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream APIs",
  "summary": "Text encoding and decoding will support streams to enable you to easily convert streams of binary data to text and vice-versa. An example of its usefulness is with readable streams. With a non-stream Response object, response.Body.text() returns text. There is no equivalent for the ReadableStream returned by Response.Body, which can only return bytes. With the new API a streaming response body may be converted to text as so: Response.Body.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())."

API Changes (26)

  • Create V8 7.1 branch for Chrome 71
  • [api][cleanup] Mark Call*OnForegroundThread as V8_DEPRECATE_SOON
  • [Intl] Add CountUsage for intl objects/functions
  • [API] Change GetCodeRange to match the style of GetEmbeddedCodeRange
  • [Compile] Refactor BackgroundCompileTask to enable its use by CompilerDispatcher
  • [deprecation] Deprecate ToBoolean(Local<Context>)
  • [cleanup] Mark functions unused in chrome as V8_DEPRECATED
  • [Atomics] Add use counter for Atomics.{wake, notify}
  • [api] Add getter for EmbedderHeapTracer
  • [cleanup] Refactor second batch of general classes to use default members.
  • [heap] Remove obsolete AbortTracing calls and deprecate interface
  • [cleanup] Refactor inspector to use default members.
  • [cleanup] Mark general src/ methods in subclasses with override.
  • [cleanup] Replace 0 and NULL with nullptr for external includes.
  • [objects] Change String::length field to uint32_t.
  • [api] introduce PrepareStackTraceCallback
  • [objects] Change String::length field to uint32_t.
  • [cleanup] Split out v8-internal.h from include/v8.h
  • [api] Remove deprecated wasm methods
  • [heap, api] Keep lower limit when adjusting external memory
  • parsing: Lock ExternalStrings in the ExternalStringStream.
  • [debug-evaluate] extend accessors by runtime receiver checks
  • Add AsyncIterator to well-known symbols.
  • [tools] Add an API that exposes the location of builtins.
  • [embedder-tracing] Fully deprecate old APIs
  • Update V8 version to 7.1
JSON data
    "author": {
      "name": "Michael Hablich",
      "email": "hablich@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Oct 11 12:47:30 2018"
    "commit": "2ab4a7ce950abdb1e44aefc0b52b05b28e145db8",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Michael Hablich",
      "email": "hablich@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Oct 11 12:48:57 2018"
    "subject": "Create V8 7.1 branch for Chrome 71",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Andreas Haas",
      "email": "ahaas@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Oct 04 14:27:45 2018"
    "commit": "3f8c6e0143e7ab74b5dbfcfa439bfe96c1867429",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Oct 05 08:38:09 2018"
    "subject": "[api][cleanup] Mark Call*OnForegroundThread as V8_DEPRECATE_SOON",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Frank Tang",
      "email": "ftang@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Oct 03 20:59:09 2018"
    "commit": "6029498ea8e8a0253683e824fa7283e7567fbc5d",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Oct 03 22:36:55 2018"
    "subject": "[Intl] Add CountUsage for intl objects/functions",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Peter Marshall",
      "email": "petermarshall@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Sep 26 11:25:24 2018"
    "commit": "5fb5509786d0ae08177bd230fdb3cac26f871fa9",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Sep 26 13:16:58 2018"
    "subject": "[API] Change GetCodeRange to match the style of GetEmbeddedCodeRange",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Ross McIlroy",
      "email": "rmcilroy@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Sep 21 21:40:51 2018"
    "commit": "31228a69c36c65f1f2c9e7f2f5b433ff40bcd5a6",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Mon Sep 24 20:15:50 2018"
    "subject": "[Compile] Refactor BackgroundCompileTask to enable its use by CompilerDispatcher",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Dan Elphick",
      "email": "delphick@chromium.org",
      "time": "Mon Sep 24 11:05:31 2018"
    "commit": "d235f550ab1a25b9c9fc2af6aee6ebfe64ecd936",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Mon Sep 24 12:02:09 2018"
    "subject": "[deprecation] Deprecate ToBoolean(Local<Context>)",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Dan Elphick",
      "email": "delphick@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 20 09:46:49 2018"
    "commit": "3ec883d2d48569f1e2a6190c8e260af6ccd085a4",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Sep 21 09:22:49 2018"
    "subject": "[cleanup] Mark functions unused in chrome as V8_DEPRECATED",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Sathya Gunasekaran",
      "email": "gsathya@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Sep 19 19:23:29 2018"
    "commit": "81c9e3936beaf761f2b57f879766b9aed875ed05",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 20 21:31:33 2018"
    "subject": "[Atomics] Add use counter for Atomics.{wake, notify}",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Michael Lippautz",
      "email": "mlippautz@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 20 13:10:01 2018"
    "commit": "261cd2f5396bbe54104ecbaa5ae1f98e2f8f43e6",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 20 19:20:35 2018"
    "subject": "[api] Add getter for EmbedderHeapTracer",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Florian Sattler",
      "email": "sattlerf@google.com",
      "time": "Wed Sep 19 17:03:08 2018"
    "commit": "a8340d5eac932672ad06404a48969f2cf2e563e4",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 20 10:34:28 2018"
    "subject": "[cleanup] Refactor second batch of general classes to use default members.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Michael Lippautz",
      "email": "mlippautz@chromium.org",
      "time": "Mon Sep 17 12:22:34 2018"
    "commit": "1f3802a1e718e8315c826cc7cd43a100f896e1ec",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Sep 19 05:17:21 2018"
    "subject": "[heap] Remove obsolete AbortTracing calls and deprecate interface",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Florian Sattler",
      "email": "sattlerf@google.com",
      "time": "Tue Sep 18 08:26:42 2018"
    "commit": "9c702f4d3df4e196d83437cc98ea6264d4eb510d",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Tue Sep 18 09:13:59 2018"
    "subject": "[cleanup] Refactor inspector to use default members.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Florian Sattler",
      "email": "sattlerf@google.com",
      "time": "Fri Sep 14 15:07:05 2018"
    "commit": "0dd2a1712162de72da0f413b4de9056cbe31ef29",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Tue Sep 18 07:17:52 2018"
    "subject": "[cleanup] Mark general src/ methods in subclasses with override.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Florian Sattler",
      "email": "sattlerf@google.com",
      "time": "Fri Sep 14 12:29:28 2018"
    "commit": "c835ff79ef6ccea45b287690c2fd1ecbb7579519",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Sep 14 13:28:56 2018"
    "subject": "[cleanup] Replace 0 and NULL with nullptr for external includes.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Benedikt Meurer",
      "email": "bmeurer@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 13 12:08:32 2018"
    "commit": "c7a0049e1b70e8f455229c8a470df605ea064f70",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 13 13:07:08 2018"
    "subject": "[objects] Change String::length field to uint32_t.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "jgruber",
      "email": "jgruber@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 13 10:55:39 2018"
    "commit": "18380a3c1529af45d0b23b137b192c2945e39bb4",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 13 11:47:03 2018"
    "subject": "[api] introduce PrepareStackTraceCallback",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Benedikt Meurer",
      "email": "bmeurer@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Sep 12 11:48:38 2018"
    "commit": "1f1eb625a8088168ec88538c48bf0cc1ebdbdd97",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Wed Sep 12 12:28:56 2018"
    "subject": "[objects] Change String::length field to uint32_t.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Dan Elphick",
      "email": "delphick@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Sep 07 09:03:35 2018"
    "commit": "10afbb7e0f5934d872548c576f251a95f75e4d0e",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Sep 07 09:55:25 2018"
    "subject": "[cleanup] Split out v8-internal.h from include/v8.h",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Clemens Hammacher",
      "email": "clemensh@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 06 09:21:29 2018"
    "commit": "b0af30948505b68c843b538e109ab378d3750e37",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 06 16:47:02 2018"
    "subject": "[api] Remove deprecated wasm methods",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Michael Lippautz",
      "email": "mlippautz@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 06 14:04:07 2018"
    "commit": "ad832c4145ba5a9accc219123d7d307fda0e5c09",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Sep 06 15:44:37 2018"
    "subject": "[heap, api] Keep lower limit when adjusting external memory",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Benoît Lizé",
      "email": "lizeb@chromium.org",
      "time": "Tue Sep 04 13:13:02 2018"
    "commit": "a1da383fb3257e13912f4b10ea398d05bf221b56",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Tue Sep 04 14:09:04 2018"
    "subject": "parsing: Lock ExternalStrings in the ExternalStringStream.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Yang Guo",
      "email": "yangguo@chromium.org",
      "time": "Tue Sep 04 08:53:13 2018"
    "commit": "1c2aa60520653a7a94ff0e5709438040783011d7",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Tue Sep 04 11:24:50 2018"
    "subject": "[debug-evaluate] extend accessors by runtime receiver checks",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Marijn Kruisselbrink",
      "email": "mek@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Aug 31 18:02:42 2018"
    "commit": "3cc682ba5ab16ba591f6ebb93cbaaab5662d4eee",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Fri Aug 31 19:31:58 2018"
    "subject": "Add AsyncIterator to well-known symbols.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Peter Marshall",
      "email": "petermarshall@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Aug 30 14:23:30 2018"
    "commit": "2d62067879d21afcd775b7effdafba2fa6ac878d",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Aug 30 15:17:17 2018"
    "subject": "[tools] Add an API that exposes the location of builtins.",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Michael Lippautz",
      "email": "mlippautz@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Aug 30 09:48:19 2018"
    "commit": "2616df737d79efe33a2b804ee63dc6defb8325c3",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Aug 30 12:33:48 2018"
    "subject": "[embedder-tracing] Fully deprecate old APIs",
    "milestone": 71
    "author": {
      "name": "Sigurd Schneider",
      "email": "sigurds@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Aug 30 09:35:53 2018"
    "commit": "041e01f67b334a2f8cdb987b1dacd10593d34309",
    "committer": {
      "name": "Commit Bot",
      "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
      "time": "Thu Aug 30 09:37:36 2018"
    "subject": "Update V8 version to 7.1",
    "milestone": 71